Course: Quality Result Management
The QRM Course covers the fundamentals of data storage and management in QRM. It is aimed at engineers, managers or test operators who will be using QRM regularly. This course will provide you with the toolbox you need to store, access and analyse data quickly and easily. The focus of the course is to combine theory and exercises with practical implementation.
Course Goals
The focus of the course is to combine the theory and design exercises with practical implementation.
Day 1 - Using QRM
Main Goal: Develop a full understanding of how QRM works
Module 1: A general overview of QRM - why it exists and what it can do
Module 2: Using the QRM Web Application - site navigation and result analysis
Module 3: QRM Administration - installing QRM, user management and configuration
Module 4: Basics of Statistical Process Control (SPC) - in depth analysis of data for 6 sigma and other calculations
Module 5: Basics of Measurement System Analytics (MSA) - Gage R&R study of a measurement system
Practical demos and analysis of your data using QRM
Who Should Participate?
Those who will be using QRM on a regular basis.